Book Shelf

Following are a few of my favorite books for anyone on a journey to higher consciousness spirituality.

The Stairway to Heaven: Nine Steps of Consciousness from Unawareness to Full Enlightenment by Tara Springett.

The best guide to defining what consciousness is and identifying which level of consciousness you’re currently at, along with actionable steps you can take to progress to further levels.

As we grow in consciousness it becomes our responsibility to fully break free from that our old obedience to the rigid beliefs we grew up with and to seek out teachings and resources at the higher levels of consciousness so we can continue to be challenged to grow.

One such resource is the Conversations with God series.

This is a channeled text from a few decades back that seems to be completely in line with the mystical truths I’ve been researching and sharing, but it’s in the digestible format of a simple dialogue with the Divine.

If the Bible is collectively at Level 2.55 on the scale of Consciousness, then this book might be at an overall Level 5 or Level 6.

And why has this information been given to humanity?

Because many people are now finally ready for it. The Divine didn’t stop revealing itself to humanity 2000 years ago. Rather it will always be revealing itself in greater and greater ways depending on what we’re ready for.

Conversations with God turns many of the lower consciousness teachings we grew up with on their head and could be a great next step for someone ready for a higher consciousness spirituality.