That part about the Logos and it raising the temperature about 100 degrees is so wild, that’s exactly what would happen when I worked for a church and had “secret” meetings where me and a questioning few would discuss higher level realities together. Every time we would start to dive deep the room would go white hot.

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Fascinating. Have you experienced any other mystical phenomena? Thank you for taking the time to share!

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Oh yes! Since I was about 8 years of age with stories of things like going “catatonic” in a trance state at 11 for over 5 hours which freaking my parents out who were worried I was possessed because they were in the church. Hearing other peoples thoughts or seeing their memories that I’ve confined with each person as being correct. Predicting future events and interpreting dreams. Having past life memories that in at least one instance I was able to corroborate with at least one person I knew from then and within the memory itself seeing things I didn’t know existed or thought were out of place only to do some research and find out it was period correct for the time I was in. It’s been a wild ride but I’ve been flowing like this since my awakening at around the age of 8.

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Wow, thank you for sharing. And how have you reconciled those experiences with a Western Christianity that's generally not ready to "go there" yet? Have you had any luck finding community with others who you can share these experiences with?

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So ironically the place a lot of this started for me was in charismatic church’s that just let anything fly. Lots of them came out of the hippie movement that then turned into the Jesus People movement and it had a very similar vibe to the former. Still very limiting when it comes to anything intellectually driven but it was great place for me to learn the subtle art of crossing over the “natural” boundary into the supernatural space.

As far as community goes, it’s only been through intentional curation of friends and family that I’ve found healthy community that both challenges and supports all of our collective journeys. I have found people that I feel a resonance with from varying backgrounds, present walks of life and religious affiliations or lack thereof. It’s been a fun journey and it’s been even more rewarding getting to meet people I either knew in a past life or made contracts with in the “in-between” It’s a eclectic group of people who don’t necessarily see eye to eye on a lot of things but who I’m able to find common ground with and glean insight from. Just like not looking to one ancient religious text to get your world view, but rather looking at all of the ancient texts to learn from their collective wisdom that often just represents the bench mark of knowledge of their time and should just serve us by letting us learn what took thousands of years to learn in a short amount of time and then move forward with continuing to raise our collective consciousness 👌🏽

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Amazing. Thank you again for being so open about your experiences.

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I like the term “astral circus”. I dabbled in that early on but I have decided to consider it, at this point in my life, irrelevant at best and dubious at worst. Of course, I’m open to have my mind changed but chasing experiences seems counterproductive.

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Great insight, Anthony. Thanks for sharing. Seems that many have had similar experiences.

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