Jul 15Liked by Bodhi

Greater compassion forgiveness and grace are all Christian tenants that we should strive for. My concern is for misplaced compassion, like we see in soft on crime cities. Surely justice has a place in a civilized society? Can have compassion and forgiveness while we also seek justice?

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Hey, Kristen. First, welcome and thanks for joining! Second, you ask a very wise question and one that will be critical to solve in the US and around the world now and in the years to come.

Much of what we're seeing in regards to the problems of crime, homelessness, etc is what I'd call "well-intentioned foolishness," and is a hallmark of the shadow side of the Sharing Level of consciousness. The Sharing level is important and critical, as it's when the soul begins to wake up within the individual almost like a child. And children are often beautiful in their far reaching compassion and love. But despite that compassion and love they can be ineffective in their abilities to effectively serve justice. They might be too soft, or they might misdirect their justice or solutions, with disastrous consequences.

Fortunately the next level up is the Responsibility stage. I'm not sure we have any political leaders or even many influential voices at this level yet, but they are coming. At the responsibility level we (as humans) love everyone, but we also hold everyone responsible, beginning with ourselves. We take full, 100% for where we are in our life, no blaming others; and we require everyone else to do the same.

If you want to learn more about the Responsibility level (and all the levels) I highly recommend Tara Springett's book on the subject which you can find here:


You can also find a primer on the levels of consciousness here:


Thanks again so much for the thoughful question and thanks again for joining us here.

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Jun 30Liked by Bodhi

Hallelujah and Amen! 🙏

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